Zoom selects Read as an Essential App, Premium Features Enabled for Zoom Customers.
Productivity AI

More productivity, less effort

On average, knowledge workers using Read AI report a 20% increase in productivity (more free time to do the work that matters most).


Read works where you work

From meeting, email, and messaging summaries to updating client records - Read seamlessly integrates with the platforms you use daily.

Scheduling & More

Why choose Read?

One multi-platform assistant

Read Assistant integrates seamlessly across Zoom, Teams, and Meet for meeting summaries wherever you meet.

Unbiased programmatic feedback

Read harnesses data from millions of interactions, incorporating both verbal and visual cues for a comprehensive understanding.

Actionable accountability

Analytics without actionability is useless. Read AI provides action items, key questions, and relevant answers.

Secure & SOC II Certified

We follow best practices when handling and safeguarding your data - your data is opted out of training any models by default.

Multi-language support

Read transcription supports English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, German, and Portuguese - and is always adding more.

Productivity AI

Remove silos across meetings, email, and messages with Read AI. Connect the dots on projects, action items, and key questions.

Maximize productivity with your new AI sidekick.

Get started for free