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Feedback is a Gift, Especially for Meetings

November 30, 2022

When 40% of meeting attendees are disengaged and 73% are multitasking, it’s no surprise that 1 in 3 people leave a meeting feeling like they weren’t needed. Yet, there isn’t a simple way to give feedback to the meeting host and attendees on the value of the meeting.  

Read makes it easy to communicate if a meeting is a good or bad use of your time by delivering a meeting recap email after each meeting, which includes a thumbs up or thumbs down feedback option. After each meeting, Read delivers a meeting recap via email which includes a thumbs up (👍) or thumbs down (👎) to rate the value of the meeting.  These results are aggregated and visible to the meeting host in each Meeting Report.  

Read is empowering users to take back their schedules by answering the simple question: "Was this meeting a good use of your time?"

Get setup with Meeting Feedback in less than 60 seconds:

  • Login to Read
  • Under Email Settings, select: (i) I want to receive "All (email) digests" or "After Every Meeting" and (ii) Send recap digests to "Everyone in the meeting"

That’s it.  After each meeting, attendees will receive a meeting report via email with an option to provide feedback in the email or in the Meeting Report.  Responses are aggregated in the Meeting Report and available to only the Host.  

Feedback is a gift, especially if your goal is better and fewer meetings. 

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