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Read AI Introduces Slack Share + Updated Sharing Features

December 19, 2023

Read is excited to announce several new features that change how users share their meeting reports with others. With this update, users now have more options to control who reports will be shared with, as well as how they can be shared. Read on for more details, but at a high level this release includes:

  1. Post to Slack: Users can now post their meeting reports directly to Slack with the click of a button.  Simply connect your Slack account.  
  2. Pre-configuration: Users can now view and edit the sharing settings for specific meeting reports before the meeting occurs from their Calendar page.
  3. Internal vs External: Rather than sharing with all meeting participants, users can choose to share with participants who are internal or external to their organization.
  4. Make report private: Meeting owners can now mark their upcoming meetings as private, restricting others from adding Read and sharing the meeting.
  5. Collaborative sharing: Read now honors the joint access & distribution settings for all users who add Read, as long as the owner hasn’t made the report private.

1. Post to Slack

Screenshot of the "Post to Slack" button from a meeting report

Do you use Slack? Now you can post your meeting notes to Slack with the push of a button. From a meeting report, just click the Slack icon in the top right, select the channel, and click “Post to Slack”. Your meeting recap, along with a link to the full report, will be immediately sent by Read to that channel.

In order to use this feature, you must have editor access to the report and have Read connected to Slack. Quick steps:

For more information on all of Read’s Slack sharing options, see How can I share meeting reports to Slack?

2. Pre-configure your Sharing

Screenshot of the new report sharing dialog viewed from the calendar page

You may notice some changes to the Calendar page on Read, most notably there’s a new “Share” button. Now, you can view and modify your sharing settings for specific meetings in advance. Previously, all of your meeting reports would be automatically shared based on your account settings - so if for example you wanted to turn off the recap email distribution for one particular meeting, you would have to change your account settings right before the meeting and then revert them afterwards. No longer!

The share dialog also allows you to control which participants will receive access and whether they get editor or viewer permission on the report. You can even pre-share meeting reports with specific people, teams, or your entire workspace. For more information, see How can I manage sharing for specific upcoming meetings?

3. Internal vs External Access

Screenshot of the new internal and external sharing options

When it comes to sharing reports with the meeting participants, you’ll see a new set of options in both your account settings and in the Share button on your Calendar page. You can now manage your preferences separately for participants who are internal vs external to your organization, based on the domain names of your email addresses.

If you previously had report sharing turned off (set to “private”) then your internal and external access was set to “No access” initially. Otherwise, the defaults are that internal participants get editor access and external participants get viewer access. This setting also limits which participants can automatically receive meeting recaps via email or Slack.

Workspace admins are also able to manage this setting at the workspace level, by choosing the defaults and specifying whether or not workspace members are able to change them.

4. Make Report Private

Screenshot of the "Make report private" setting enabled for an upcoming meeting

Sharing meeting reports is great, but sometimes you want to limit who else will get access to your reports. Now, you can specifically flag meetings that you own as private from the “Share” button on your calendar page. Doing this will disable participant access and recap distribution, however you may still choose to share the report with specific people via the “Share Report” tab.

This setting will also prevent other participants from adding Read to the meeting and having their own sharing settings applied.

5. Collaborative Auto-Sharing

Previously, meeting reports would be shared automatically when they were generated, based on the settings of the report owner. Other participants could get editor access to the report by adding Read to it, but they would have to wait for the report to be generated if they wanted to share it with others.

Now, as long as the owner hasn’t made the report private, all participants will be able to add Read and apply their own sharing settings in addition to everyone else’s. Your settings will only get applied if you add Read.

Coming soon, the share button will also allow you to configure meetings to automatically push recaps to specific email addresses and Slack channels.

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